Ford Trucks
Navigation Update
Find up to date maps and download them
for the navigation system in your vehicle.
Wrong Multimedia ID number, try again! Please verify the captcha. The update can not be found!
How do I read the multimedia ID number?
How do I download a map?
How do I read the multimedia ID number?

1. Open your multimedia device.

2. On the Main Menu, navigate to Settings >> General >> System Info.

3. Write down the multimedia Device ID.

How do I download a map?

1. Save "" and "Genius Maps" to desktop.

2. Create a folder on the desktop named “GeniusMaps".

3. Move the 2 files with the .zip extension (“” and “Genius Maps”) to the folder “GeniusMaps".

4. Move the folder “GenuisMaps" to a USB device with a memory of at least 8GB.

5. Insert the USB device into your multimedia device.

6. On your multimedia device’s Main Menu, navigate to Settings >> General >> Maps >> Software update.

7. After installation begins, wait until the exit button appears (installation can take about an hour). After the exit button appears you can press it and exit.

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